Reach Your Potential: Discover Joy and Purpose within Your Liberal Arts Education

As you navigate your liberal arts education during your undergraduate years, it's essential to recognize that you will be developing a diverse set of skills that are invaluable in today's dynamic job market. Understanding how your unique interests complement your studies is crucial in forging a career path that resonates with you.
At Columbian College, we understand that your interests and academic experiences as an undergrad are the foundation of your professional future. CCAS Career Services is committed to providing the resources and guidance you need to explore, develop and pursue careers that align with who you are and what you love.
2023 graduates employed, in graduate school or engaged in other post-grad activities
3 in 4
students engaged in at least one internship during their time at GW
Career Center programs and events, on average, each year
Resources for Undergraduate Students
GW's Center for Career Services
Your one-stop shop for all things job search
Explore Career Preparation Resources
Career prep coaches with expertise in your industry of choice
GW's online career and internship management portal
Searching for a Job or Internship
Where to start your search today
Four-Year Plan for Career Success (PDF)
A year-by-year graphic of the steps to a successful search
Alumni Employment Outcomes
What you can do with your CCAS education
The Engaged Liberal Arts: Where Curiosity Meets Purpose

Curiosity and exploration are at the heart of an engaged liberal arts education. Students are encouraged to ask questions, explore new ideas and develop life-changing skills – valuable skills that are necessary for any career path.
As students immerse themselves in the liberal arts across GW’s Columbian College, they encounter new ideas and perspectives and form a deeper connection to the world around them. Engaged in classes that range from literature to dance to the sciences, they begin to see the interrelatedness of knowledge. The exploration inherent in a liberal arts education empowers students to develop a strong sense of who they are and who they want to be.
Our mission is to fuel that curiosity and joy that drives students to identify their career goals and develop the skills needed for life-long success.
Additional Services
We also support the work faculty do to guide students toward career success, and we offer career guidance and other resources to Columbian College alumni.
Mark Your Calendar

"I attended nearly every networking and informational event that was posted in Handshake. If I would give advice to anyone at GW, it would be to use these resources as much as possible. I learned about everything from my personal strengths to different ways to go about getting an internship.”
Alexis Lete
BA '19, Communication