Career Services at Columbian College
of Arts & Sciences

GW’s Columbian College of Arts and Sciences (CCAS) is dedicated to helping undergraduate students, graduate students and alumni transform their academic achievements into rewarding careers. Our staff are here to support you along this journey with personalized career coaching, online resources and a variety of events and workshops designed to help you identify and pursue your career aspirations.
At CCAS, our distinctive career culture embedded in the Engaged Liberal Arts empowers students and alumni to translate their world-class academic and co-curricular experiences at GW into a lifetime of productive and engaged citizenship.
Student Services
The Center for Career Services, the university-wide hub of career services, offers a wide range of individualized and customized career and professional development services to maximize the engaged liberal arts experience:

"So many students I've noticed are so independent, and they want to do it on their own, but there's no shame in learning what you don't know. … And you have to start somewhere. Stepping stones pay off in the long run. The earlier you start, the better.”
Alanna Moskowitz
BA ‘25, Political Science and Peace Studies
White House and Department of Justice Intern